Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Are You Following Your Passion?

This is one of the questions that Dr. Gerald Suarez* helps us answer for ourselves in his excellent new book, Leader of One.  Just before his death, Dr. Stephen Covey, provided this endorsement for Leader of One:

“J. Gerald Suarez’s extraordinary experiences in the White House and on campus help frame this remarkable book by offering wise perspective and deep insight into the struggle of balancing one’s life’s gifts, passion and direction.”

So what guidance does Dr. Suarez give us for knowing if we are following our passion?  Here are some examples.  He suggests asking yourself to think about this scenario:

“Your employer guarantees your current salary for life, adjusted for inflation.  You are told that you are free to do whatever you please; there are no expectations whatsoever and no adverse repercussions.” (p. 38)

What a great question!  Suarez goes on:

“What would you do?  Would you report to work as usual?  If you decide to work, why would you?  If you would not go back, also ask why.” (p. 38)

“To most of us, the possibility that we can take away the financial aspect of our current jobs lets us consider what we really want to do.  We can pursue a course of action because it feels right.  It gives us a sense of joy.  It nourishes and energizes us.” (p. 39)

“Removing these constraints, even if simply through a mental exercise, allows new themes and possibilities to surface.  If you listen carefully to these themes and reflect on the possibilities, you can find yourself operating from a wholly new perspective.” (p. 39)

These are just some examples of the pearls of wisdom in Leader of One.  I highly recommend it and encourage you to order your copy soon!  Peter Drucker once said that the most important person we lead is ourselves.  Indeed true.  Leader of One helps you understand how to do that most effectively.

*Dr. J. Gerald Suarez is Professor of the Practice at the Robert H, Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland and former Director of Presidential Quality for both the President Bill Clinton and President George W. Bush Administrations.

For more ideas on how you can lead breakthroughs in your organization, follow this blog and check out my web site at www.SheehanNonprofitConsulting.com   You will find free resources you can download, including a Breakthrough Strategy Workbook that you can download at no cost.  You can also check out my book, Mission Impact:  Breakthrough Strategies for Nonprofits, and buy it if you are interested.  And you can follow Sheehan Nonprofit Consulting on Facebook.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Seven Habits of High Performing Nonprofits

Mario Morino is at it again – making contributions to the improvement of the performance of nonprofits across the sector.  His earlier contributions have included sponsoring the creation of the Organization Capacity Assessment Tool (check this blog for more) and then in 2011 it was writing the important book, Leap of Reason (see this blog for more).  Now he has led a group of nonprofit executives, consultants, and scholars to create The Performance Imperative.

The Performance Imperative includes a definition of “high performance” and a set of “seven pillars” which, if followed, will lead a nonprofit toward high performance.  First, here is the definition of high performance:

“High performance is the ability to deliver—over a prolonged period of time—meaningful, measurable, and financially sustainable results for the people or causes the organization is in existence to serve.”

And the seven pillars are:

1.  Courageous, adaptive executive and board leadership

2.  Disciplined, people-focused management

3.  Well-designed and well-implemented programs and strategies

4.  Financial health and stability

5.  A culture that values learning

6.  Internal monitoring for continuous improvement

7.  External evaluation for mission effectiveness

Maybe you have your 8th pillar or another one that you would add or substitute, but you must admit that this is a very strong list.  My favorite is #1!

Is your organization on the path to high performance?  Read more about The Performance Imperative here and use the ideas to lead you to higher levels of Mission Impact.

For more ideas on how you can lead breakthroughs in your organization, follow this blog and check out my web site at www.SheehanNonprofitConsulting.com   You will find free resources you can download, including a Breakthrough Strategy Workbook that you can download at no cost.  You can also check out my book, Mission Impact:  Breakthrough Strategies for Nonprofits, and buy it if you are interested.  And you can follow Sheehan Nonprofit Consulting on Facebook.